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Women's Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett

Gynecologists & Aesthetic Medical Spa located in Lawrenceville, GA

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects about 10% of women in their childbearing years. It can cause troublesome symptoms and alter your appearance. At Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett in Lawrenceville, Georgia, OB/GYN Joseph Pohl, MD, and his team can help treat your PCOS symptoms and address underlying conditions contributing to the condition. To find out more about PCOS and available treatments, book an appointment by phone or online at Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett today.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition affecting women that stems from a hormone imbalance. It develops when your ovaries produce too much androgen, a male sex hormone. You can also develop PCOS if you have too much insulin in your blood. Insulin is a hormone that helps facilitate the process of converting the sugar from the foods you eat into useful energy for your cells. 

In many cases, PCOS develops alongside other conditions related to insulin imbalances, including obesity, insulin resistance, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The team at Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett helps you address these issues during your treatment for PCOS. 

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

The signs and symptoms of PCOS vary among women who have it. In order to diagnose you with PCOS, the team at Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett must find that you meet two of the following three criteria, which can be identified with their symptoms:

Irregular periods

Menstrual periods that are prolonged, heavy, infrequent, or otherwise irregular are the most common sign of PCOS. There are many possible causes of irregular periods, so you should report them to your provider at Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett. 

Polycystic ovaries

Many women with PCOS develop cysts or follicles on their ovaries that interfere with their functioning.

Excess androgen

Excess androgen is a prominent sign of PCOS. If your ovaries produce too much androgen, you might notice changes in your appearance. Common signs include facial hair growth, male pattern baldness, and acne breakouts. 

How is PCOS treated?

After reviewing your symptoms and performing tests like pelvic exams, blood tests, and ultrasounds to diagnose you, the team at Women's Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett creates a multifaceted treatment plan for you. Your treatment plan can improve many of your symptoms and menstrual cycle changes as well as pregnancy-related complications stemming from the disorder. It might include:

Lifestyle changes

Changing your lifestyle with a lower calorie diet, physical exercise, or both can lead to weight loss and improve your PCOS symptoms. Even a small amount of weight loss can help make your PCOS medications work more effectively.


Hormonal treatments like birth control or progestin therapy can help restore balance among the hormones in your body. Birth control increases your female sex hormones and decreases androgen production. Progestin therapy can help regulate your irregular menstrual periods. 

Other medications

The team might recommend other medications that don’t include hormones in your treatment plan. Certain medications can reduce hair growth from excess androgens or treat other symptoms associated with PCOS. 

To find out if you have PCOS and treatments for your symptoms, call Women’s Healthcare Consultants of Gwinnett, or book your appointment online today.